LanguageCERT examinations

The LanguageCert Test of English (LTE) A1-C2 is an international language examination. Upon completion, candidates receive a certificate indicating their level of English, in terms of the Council of Europe’s (CEFR) six levels of proficiency: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.

The examination is available in both paper and digital versions. The digital version is adaptive, meaning that subsequent questions are tailored to the candidate’s level, as the examination is being undertaken. This adaptive system, based on sound academic research, is a groundbreaking and innovative way of assessing language competence.

The examination has been developed for people who would like to certify their level of English language ability in professional environments related to international work and business. The LTE Certificate confirms whether candidates possess the professional competencies necessary for functioning in the contemporary world.

In the case of the remote/online version, you will receive your results on a scale from 0 to 100 immediately upon completion.

Website link: LanguageCert Test of English LTE