Classes for Doctoral School

The Centre for Foreign Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences conducts English language classes for participants of the Doctoral School.

PhD students attend classes for 3 semesters and the language level of the classes is B2+. The main aim of the course is to familiarise the PhD students with the academic language (English for Academic Purposes - EAP).
The main literature includes three coursebooks:
Academic Vocabulary in Use (Cambridge University Press),
Cambridge English for Scientists (Cambridge University Press),
Cambridge Academic English (Cambridge University Press).

During classes PhD students practise different skills: writing (an abstract, an academic CV, a cover letter and an argumentative essay), listening comprehension (lectures and speeches) as well as speaking (a presentation, a discussion and an elevator pitch). Working in groups students improve teamwork. When discussing they learn how to be persuasive when presenting their ideas, how to face criticism and how to handle difficult questions. These skills are crucial when working in their academic and scientific communities.

After the third semester, the language course ends with an oral exam.