Humanities and Social Sciences

Centre for Foreign Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences holds humanistic and social classes for first and second-cycle students. Admission for the abovementioned classes is possible through the USOSWEB system.
The range of subjects for first-cycle studies includes interpersonal communication, social psychology, ethics and career planning.
The choice of subjects for second-cycle studies comprises business communication and coaching.
Each subject amounts to 30 lessons (2 ECTS points)
Milena Wawrzyniak Kostrowicka, PhD
Assistant Professor and Head of the Humanities and Social Sciences Team at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, university lecturer.
As a psychotherapist, she works in the systemic and cognitive-behavioral currents (with particular emphasis on the achievements of third-wave CBT therapies – DBT, ACT and Motivational Dialogue). She specialises in treating patients with OCD, PTSD, RAD, tics, phobias and generalised anxiety. Since 2015, she has been broadening her psychotherapeutic experience by providing consultation and therapy at the Personal Development Clinic of WUELS.
She earned her PhD in humanities from the University of Wrocław in 2011. In her dissertation, she studied issues connected with the influence of social factors on the functioning of family systems.She is an extraordinary member of the Wielkopolska Society for Systemic Therapy.
She actively collaborates with both the business community (conducting personnel training) and academia (as a scientific director of conferences, postgraduate studies and as a lecturer and seminar promoter).
SUBJECT: Career Planning, Interpersonal Communication, Communication in Business
Michał Lubicz Miszewski, PhD
Michał Lubicz Miszewski, PhD, a graduate of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Wrocław, doctor of humanities (discipline: sociology). The main areas of research interest are the Polish diaspora and Poles in the world, ethnic conflicts in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Ukrainian immigrants in Poland, cultural heritage of the former Eastern Territories of the Republic of Poland and cultural security.
SUBJECT: Social psychology
Łukasz Kaszkowiak, PhD
Doctor of social sciences. He graduated in sociology from the University of Wrocław. In his PhD dissertation he dealt with the issues of social worlds and culture, which resulted in the book "Social world of Polish fantasy fans", a pioneering work in Polish sociology. His main area of interest is cultural transmission and social change.

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